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Creating Wikipedia-style external links in Obsidian with Templater

When I write a personal note in my Obsidian vault, I like to include an external links section at the bottom of the note. My inspiration for this format was, obviously, Wikipedia. I really like the format of links at the bottom of Wikipedia pages, which includes both the external link and a wikilink to the larger site/service that hosts the page.

A screenshot of external links on Wikipedia

It makes sense to the way I organize notes, because it allows me to track which services, people or organizations are part of a certain social media.

A screenshot of external links in my vault

There is only one issue with this solution: it takes quite a lot of time to type the external links and then the internal link. To make the process quicker, I wrote this script, which I then activate in my Obsidian vault using Templater.

async function links() {
  const siteUrl = await tp.system.prompt(
      "What is the link's url?", tp.system.clipboard
  const siteTitle = await tp.system.prompt(
      "What is the name of the site?"
  const options = [
        title: "Single Site", 
        formElement: `[${siteTitle}](${siteUrl})`
        title: "Page on Site", 
        formElement: `[${tp.file.title}](${siteUrl}) on [[${siteTitle}]]`
  const linkOutput = await tp.system.suggester(
      options.map((e) => e.title), 
      options.map((e) => e.formElement), 
      "Is this a link for a single site or for a page in a bigger site?"
  return linkOutput;
let string = await links();
- <%* tR += string %>

Here is the script in action.

A recording of the script in action

Feel free to grab this script and use it for your own vault!